We have designed this website to be accessible to as many users as possible and we seek ways in which to improve accessibility. You may wish to alter the way the website looks to help you access information. Step-by-step instructions are below.
This site uses HTML headings to organise page content. Some assistive technologies will allow you to navigate from heading to heading using a keyboard shortcut.
You may want to change the text size in this website so the fonts display at a larger size.
To change the font using the browser menu, follow these instructions:
In Internet Explorer, select Text Size from the View menu item. Then choose the preferred size. In Netscape Navigator, select Text Zoom from the View menu item. Then choose the preferred size. The text of the site will change to reflect your choice.
This site has been designed for ease of use. The main navigation includes all the main sections of the website and runs across the top of each page. Clicking on any of these items will take you to a specific section of the website, where the navigation is displayed down the left. Choosing a section will also reveal any further content pages within a section. This style of navigation is consistent throughout the site.
The volume of audio tracks within the videos can be adjusted in the Flash player by using the volume control button.
All images used on the site include 'Alt' tags descriptive text alternatives. This allows users to see what the image is meant to convey even if it doesn't load, or if images have been switched off or if using a screen reader to read the web page rather than view.